Start Your Own Cafe Press Shop...
If you've been thinking about selling merchandise like t-shirts, mugs, mousepads, and the like but you're daunted with the thought of shelling out a huge capital - there's no need to fret anymore. If you sign up with CafePress.com and set up your own online store, you can start selling products in no time.
The basic idea of Cafe Press is that they have a base price for each product. When you sell a product, you can set your own markup price to get a profit.
This online money making idea is perfect for those who love designing/creating artwork. Cafe Press also has a DIY publishing section for audio and print books.
Pros:It's free to set up! You can also have up to five free basic stores. It's easy to get started. You can buy your own products at base price and sell them offline (or use them for give-aways/promos). They have a good reputation.
Cons:Basic stores have limited flexibility. You can only sell one design per product. If you wish to have more advanced functions and more flexibility, you pay for a premium shop (starts at US$4.99/month). There's a bit of competition for generic products. It's best to have specialised designs that will have mass appeal. If you're not used to formatting digital images, there might be a bit of a learning curve there, as images need to be created at a reasonably high quality in order to work well.