Income Streams for Bloggers
Here's the deal , if you wanna make money with your blog you have to learn how to target the income streams. Let's go over some income streams that will hopefully expand your mind and give you some ideas.
Advertising Programs
Advertising programs is one of the most popular and obvious. Such as Google Adsense or one of the more recent programs Chitika's eMiniMalls In order to make advertising programs profitable , you need traffic and good content to display your website. Usually these programs will pay you to run ads on your blog!
In addition to the advertising programs that are available to join there is a growing awareness in the business of the value and opportunity that exists for them to advertise directly on blogs. When your website grows more independant so to speak and more developed , don't be afraid to email companies. Set up partnerships and become sponsored , this can become very rewarding for the blog writers.

Affiliate Programs
Theres a variety of affiliate programs all over the net including Amazon.com , ect.
These type of programs should appeal to you if own a blog reviewing merchandise.. for example you if you review or write about cameras and photography , you could then affiliate Amazon.com to display new camera's onto your site.
Selling Digital Products
Theres an increasing trend of bloggers have been developing other digital assets to support and add revenue streams to their blogs. For example you see bloggers selling their Ebooks.
Blog Network Opportunities
With the rise in popularity of Blog Networks - bloggers are also being presented with more places to earn an income from their blogging - by writing for and with others. While it might be difficult to get a writing gig with one of the bigger networks - there are plenty who are always asking for new bloggers to join and who are willing to pay bloggers using a variety of payment models. While there are distinct advantages of blogging for yourself - blogging for an established network who will handle a lot of the set up/promotion/admin/SEO etc has it’s advantages also. More and more bloggers are combining writing for themselves on their own blogs with taking on blog network blogs as additional income streams.